Scheduled Maintenance

Provident's online, mobile, and telephone banking systems will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance starting Sat (May 18) from 10 PM to Sun (May 19) at 12:00 AM. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Auto Loan Payment Calculator

Change any of the numbers below in order to determine the payment amount (payment changes as you type!). Or change the loan payment amount to see how it effects the loan amount (and the vehicle price, if "Expanded Loan Amount Calculation" is checked), to see how much you can afford. All dollar amounts are rounded to the nearest penny.

Click on any of the form labels in the left column for more details or help on that item.

Vehicle Price
License and Registration
Down Payment
Trade-In Value
Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP)

Loan Amount
Monthly Loan Payment

*MBI amounts shown are average amounts for each plan type. Actual cost can vary based on make, model, year, and condition of car.
**4 years = Maximum term for a motorcycle loan
7 years = Maximum term for an automobile
10 years = Maximum term for a boat
15 years = Maximum term for a motor home or travel trailer